we are not a war alliance. however it cannot be avoided as high sec War declaration’s are the norm. what do you do when the alliance gets wardeced!? simple solutions.

  1. Leave corp into a npc corp “npc corps cannot be war deced”. keep in mind npc corps have a 10-15% tax rate so missioning, marketing ect will not be as profitable and more for miners to stalk pile ores.
  2. go into our C2 or C4 wormhole. our alliance/corp has access to a c2 and c4 wormhole please contact “John’min Ol’Sack ” for how to enter one of the 2 wormholes. activites include mining, gas mining and possibly site running however keep in mind the WH sites are hard to due and may require a battlecruiser-battleship or even a t3 cruiser to run. depending on the site and difficulty and is best done in a small group.
  3. leave and join KOB- john’s WH corp. if you wish to stay in high sec.
  4. enter null sec, You are required to read Providence-Null sec before entering providence nullsec. *activites include mining, ratting, pvp “if you want” and exploration. if corp is declared war on and you wish to join provi null until the war ends please travel towards ” Dital ” highsec system and read the provi null page on this word press website. once done you are free to enter providence KBP7-G if it is safe. you will be told where the alliance/null corp is based out of and where the market is. keep in mind everyone will want to kill you however unlike high sec you will be told of their movements to have enough time to hide.

*leaving corp during a wardec is ok, remember to rejoin the corp/alliance once the wardec is over.*

alliance WDP/rules-highsec

-no hauling
-no missioing
-no mining
-no taking out expensive ships
-no going to market hub
-no exploring in high sec
what if i don’t want to?
there are very simple things we can do for this
1. dont log in till the war dec is over *wardecs stay in effect unless extended to 1 week and can be run indefinete if the wardecer chooses to* 1 week is the normal running time from when the fighting starts.

#NOTE# war targets will flash with a red star when ever they enter a system. when that happens warp to a citadel or station and spam dock.

war targets are also known to use neutral alts for warp ins and healing. so dont let neutrals/greys get to close to you unless you know them or see them very often in your chosen system.