WELCOME TO PROVIDENCE-this section is required to be read if you wish to.


-PVP (supporting North Providence Defense fleets)

-PVE(belt ratting and anomaly ratting)

-PI/PM(planetary interaction/planetary Mining)


-exploration (escalations, relic sites, data sites)

stuff to do in provi: you are not required to watch it fully or at all.


KBP7-G is the main entry point into providence and should be your main and only entry system. set up point for *exploration, pvp and drop off/switch out is( KBP7-G – ☻╟MINI STY╢☻  )* Astrahus  class citadel open to -Entropy- tax free. also equipped with a clone bay. CTRL+C mini sty name listed above go in game> ALT+E> *make sure search type “any” CTRL+V. small box will pop up with the name again right click set desto to get to the region/station. *PLS PLS PLS PLS PLS don’t fly any pod over 300mil into the region or jump into null sec without intel also don’t report any kos players outside providence.

in  null sec -0.0 space isk profits (high sec (1.0 -> 0.5) x1/low sec (0.4 -> 0.1) x1.5 or x2/null sec(-0.0-> – 1.0)x2.5 or x3/ worm hole (UK space-unknown space -1.0 sec no rules) highest isk making sec in game.

danger levels

high sec (CONCORD- can only attack via duel’s or wardecs)*your wallet is affected by pvp “wanabee” hunters*

low sec(can attack with minor penalties-first aggressor is targeted by station and gate guns) *most pvp active space in eve*

null sec(no attacking penalties-empires come to thrive or die.) *largest pvp battles happen here*

please use the following links- also keep in mind for all the following options below you are required to be in -entropy- -=npc corps will not benefit with the following subjects above=-

video format rules

rules of providence=

kos checker (KOS=kill on sight)=   back up=

providence map=

*do not attack any one with a light blue or dark blue + if you are attacked by a light or dark blue type in local *friendly!* and do not target back or attack. *if killed please mail both combat log and kill mail to Kaprica Rome and we RMC will take care of it*

downloadable versions=  on the left hand side select the bottom option “downloads” and install when download is finished. once installed double click the short cut “a small icon with the sev3rance logo will appear (7 with a battleship in front of it red. white and black coloring) next right click on it >select settings>go to standings tab deselect/make sure the following ARE NOT ticked (personal, corporation, alliance) this will narrow the kos checking results *(the program will normaly check your personal standings>corporation standings>alliance standing then check the main kos check site.) with all 3 deselected you will get initial results faster. anyone that is kos will result in a *DING* from the kos checker to use>CTRL+A then CTRL+C x2 (hit key combo twice) DON’T SMASH THE KEYS IN YANKY! anyone that shows up kos or reported in intel as kos mark personal standing as orange *(reserve RED standing color for= hot droppers, known fleet commanders, fleet scouts/ main tackle)*.

downloadable intel map =  requires access to intel channels *alarm is programed/can be made to make “alarm sounds” when ever a enemy is reported in selected systems or your current system. also lays out the status of each system which can help you know how active the sector of providence your in has been.

now finally we go to INTEL for this section. the intel channel is for INTEL only and should not be used for “chatting, arguing, selling, raging, joking or anything and everything not related to intel.


intel= reporting enemy names, groups, fleet movements, positions, numbers and ship types.

to report intel and language-

NV=no visual (you can’t see the enemy and don’t know where they are or what ship/ships they are in.

clr= clear (system or specific section of the system is safe or clr/void of enemys)

stat=status (requesting status on select system)


a enemy/group of enemies enters your system drag and drop the system your in (or type the first 3 numbers and or letters of the system) drag and drop any of the KOS names into the chat and type in  + and the total number/numbers with them if it is random corporations and alliances type in ( KBP Testname +9 NV) NV if you don’t know what there in) if its less then 5-6 then drag and drop all their names into the intel channel “DON’T SPAM INTEL by drag dropping and entering each name 1 at a time.”

your system is clear of enemies and has not reported in the last 20-50 minutes you say (KBP clr) *neutrals/greys that do not ding when entered in the kos checker are neutrals/shouldn’t be reported in intel*

your in b-w and want to go into kbp but don’t know if its safe *PLEASE ask for intel or scout with a interceptor with an alt before entering the system with somthing expensive or slow!* (KBP stat?) and stand by for someone to report clr or red/links names into intel. if the system is red then either go around or wait/ get safe until the system you want to travel to is safe. you can also request stat of a specific section. (KBP b-w gate stat?) if clr but enemy name linked/reported in system feel free to enter at your own risk and either zoom through the system or get safe cloak up/dock up.

*(trade chat=providence has a trade chat where either regular industrial players or traders use to get their goods. main goods are bookmarks leading to DED sites which give out dank loot/expensive modules and sometimes pirate blue print copies *of ships*. DED sites loot type very depending on DED 1/10easy-10/10hardest they also have ship restrictions based on difficulty DED’s can be spawned by doing anomaly ratting and have a small chance of spawning randomly some days you will get non other days you will get 3-10 back to back. each DED/escalation last’s 24 hours once received you have 2 options 1 do them yourself or with a partner or 2 sell it via local or providence market. *(loot vary and is also random)* more info in ratting section)* for chat invite please contact kaprica rome or mention it during your final invite review.

=======chapter 1 PVP =============

PVP=player v.s player is done either solo or in a group. do your part to drive out enemy’s of providence space. MAKE SURE YOU PVP IN A EMPTY CLONE AND SET YOUR CLONE BAY TO KBP IF YOUR FULL TIME PVPER! pvp alts are welcome fleet tackle is always needed as well as fleet frig EWAR and or destroyers for extra dps.

to join the pvp fleets of north providence contact kaprica rome for invite into the fleet chat becon. where pvp fleets are posted join any fleet you wish if you can’t join the fleet type X in the chat “chat name NP-defense” and wait for invite if not invited then stand by for the next fleet. “main fleets to join are sev3rance and Yulai federation”

SRP=ship replacement program. at the moment -ENT- has a hull SRP run by Scorpia Rome. SRP rules= SRP is only for North Providence defense fleets 450k for frigates, 1mil destroyers, Cruisers *(not available yet)* -=tech 2 and pirate ships not covered=-

HOW to SRP?= mail Scorpia Rome the following info (fleet type, fleet name, fleet commander name, time and date, kill mail) SRP is alliance wide.

fleet types=roams (going to another region to fight *expect to lose the ship*), defense/patrol(defend the region and fight any enemy’s in the region), CTA(all hands on deck max numbers coalition defense.)

*note* Yulai Federation sometimes has hull SRP for cruisers also read the motd when/as soon as you join the fleet as it has important information such as

COMMS= communication is key in fleet battles the 2 main allies are sev3rance (uses team speak 3) and Yulai Federation (uses mumble) CVA also uses mumble.

COMMs downloads= team speak-  mumble download-

Comm addresses=CVA, YF, -7-

user name=CVA forums user name *please sign up-optional-required for 1/3 of all North providence defense fleets and main raumwaffen fleet * (              password=CVA forums password

_-=YF=-_                                                                                                        port=64738                                                                                                                                                             user name=YF forums user name *required for all YF defense fleets* (                                                                                                                password=YF forums password

*mentl ts3* classified for residents only&

*all 3 require full API’s to not only register but to log in also make sure you save address and passwords*

feel free to solo or duo pvp in providence after 1-2 months of fleet flying and never go after blue entities or steal from them.

==============chapter 2 PVE========

now lets get to earning isk. we will start with belt ratting and go on to anomalies.

belt ratting= easy to do and cheap to do for alphas and omegas. in a quick definition its going from asteroid belt to asteroid belt in a destroyer or cruiser with CQC style weapons and taking out NPC pirate ships “mainly cruisers, battle cruisers and battleships” which drop regular meta modules worth alot of isk with the big pinata npc being the sansha pirate with the name “true sansha” as they can drop pirate loot which can sell for alot of isk depending on drop total. make sure you book mark each wreck group and loot/salvage when you are done with all the belts or your at 1hour 45minutes since the first npc kill *npc wrecks despawn after 2 hours*. fits below are meant to be used in CQC. basically warp to a belt *preferred in numerical order going lowest->highest. select a npc rat *(largest to smallest)* approach>orbit>lock and kill all other rats leave the last “orbited” large npc alive until you finish the other rats off”make sure you take out any scram fitted, webbifier ships and ewar ships first “ewar is tracking disruption”. if your taking to much damage or your main tank is gone warp away and repair at either a citadel or a station and go on to the next belt. 2 fits for each race listed below 1. ratting ship 2. salvage/looting ship. to start off with build the ratting ship then work towards the salvage/looting ship. Good hunting.


next up is Anomaly ratting= anomaly ratting is going to anomalies found in the probe scanner *(already scanned!)* killing all the npcs and warping to the next one. the isk in doing this is in 4 sections 1.bounty’s of the npc rats, the harder the site, the more the rats, the more the payout. 2. NPC loot 3. random True sansha spawns *when you are done and you got and killed a true sansha loot it asap when you are done* 4. escalations. you can sell them in the providence trade channel *(more info on how to in the exploration chapter)* or do the yourself.

fast note *anomaly SHOULD ONLY be done in the listed ships below as they are CHEAP and simple to use =-they are also GREAT for parents or student that are nearby the computer as it requires little attention mainly in checking intel and kos checking all neutrals who come in* they can be done in battleships just make sure its sniper fit.

ratting fits easiest fit ->most SP needed *NOTE* these fits require alot of capacitor skills in order to run effectively. their main tank is in speed and shield Regen. apart from skills needed you will need the following skills

SKILLS = gallente cruiser lvl (3-4), Fuel Conservation lvl (3-4), Afterburner lvl (3-4), Heavy drones lvl (3-5) if you cant use t2 heavy drones for VNI fits use either faction drones or Integrated= MAINLY imperial navy praetor or ‘integrated’ praetor. t2 are best so train towards t2 if you want to earn isk via ratting only.

mobile tractor unit= pulls in all the loot you get along with the wrecks and keeps them inside your MTU until you pick it up/ MTU’s can last 2 weeks in space once deployed unless>until they are killed. each vexor fit can carry 4 tractor units so once you finish your last site and drop your last tractor unit its time to take a ratting break and start active salvaging each of the done sites when salvaged can net you 7-19mil per site depending on site done. REMEMBER TO BOOKMARK EACH SITE YOU PLACE DOWN A MTU AT!!!!

all fits listed below can be used the same way-make sure you simulate the fit you want to use all the fits should and are meant to be cap stable.

How to use these fits= warp to a selected anomaly within 30-50km> once you land drop “mobile tractor unit if you have one”> select a structure in the site or rat>orbit at 30 KM >drop drones*make sure drones are set to aggressive*>turn afterburner on>wait till everything is dead and move on to the next site.

anomalies each ship can do listed below easyiest>hardest *note* almost all sites have their own difficulty (hidden>forsaken>forlorn) lvl 2-4 any site without the follow 3 words inside it is a lvl 1 regular.

Ratter 1=

Sansha den lvl 1-4

Sansha Yard

Sansha rally point lvl 1-2 (max)

Ratter 2 =

Sansha yard

Sansha rally point lvl 1-4

Sansha port

Sansha Hub lvl 1-4

Sansha haven align to a citadel *(make sure the base you decide to live at has at least an astrahus citadel)*>recall drones>spam d-scan for any incoming ships make sure your d-scan is set at 1-2 AU if a enemy ship appears on your d-scan or decloak SPAM warp to 0 *hopefully you save location to retrieve your drones again* or if nothing happens and your able to recall all your drones> warp to citadel>spam dock *(NEVER WARP TO STATION)* >once inside the citadel get in a pvp ship. griffin or maulus will be fine and best to ward off the enemy from any tackled allies.

=========Chapter 3 Planetary Mining=========

PI-how to PI is in the $isk making$ section of the word press ty.

given you know or should know how to PI (you can do this with your alts if you wish) time to select a system to base out of.

if you want to make isk but want to stay in high sec but still have 2 unused or un-made characters? basically make 2 new character *(gallente for best results along with auto trained skill to fly the PI Epithal)* move them to the selected system you want to PI in listed above and rep the rewards*( alt must be in a -Entropy- corp )* for low taxes and more citadel docking rights. you can either sell to the locals or haul it to high sec and mass sell it. -= if you do this please make a small donation to sev3rance isk wise as -entropy- has full permission to mine, rat, PI and explore in north providence free of charge which can mean the sector will lose a little isk to our presence so might as well pump isk back into their war machine and show our support what little it can be.=-

==========Chapter 4 MINING========

its super easy to mine! any monkey can do it!

the difference with null sec is that the battleships REALLY REALLY HURT. being in providence doesn’t help either since providence is raided so much risking a orca or even a rorqual is suicide. *porpoise booster only*. also if you want to mine these are the only ships you should use keep in mind the skiff is very expensive and is normally worth hot drooping on or killing. Venture>Procurer>Skiff. another thing is that going afk will kill you 30-100% of the time. as the npc’s love to warp at a long range and your drones love to not engage targets when they have to. doesn’t help that your targeting range is that of a T-rex arm. so always mine in groups and nearby the booster. if you cant kill a rat with your dps dock back into the citadel and switch out into a CQC cruiser/heavy dps or into a CQC destroyer to take out the rats/npc’s.


*(NOTE)* if you cant use the tech 2 use the t1 strip miners. IF YOU CANT FLY THE TECH 2 TANK then don’t fly the ship. for the procurer if your solo mining or can’t seem to tank to much replace a mining upgrade with a tech 2 damage control unit. also not the last 2 fits covetors and hulk should only be used if there are 2-3 procurers in the anomaly and they are willing and accepting to let you switch into a covetor or hulk. both are super weak v.s rats how ever can dominate when used to jetcan mine. make sure you have access to the tech 2 mining crystals you want to use, have exhumer at lvl 4-5 for both skiff and hulk if you dont have it at atleast 4 don’t bother buying the exhumer yet. with max mining skills a miner could easily make as much as 40-60mil per hour for little work maybe more depending on if there is a booster. also skiff is the best for solo it can tank rats easy, high mining yield and dank boss when holding up against pvpers. put a damage control tech 2 at your own risk of blowing up the world with so much tank.


assuming you have your ship ready to go? No. first make book marks and decide what rocks/minerals you want to mine now.  for reference. note the lvl 2 and lvl 3 nullsec ores only spawn in the anomalies with their names on them so large bistot or Arkanor will have its lvl 2-3 variant . unless its only in the drone lands which would explain why the Russians are so rich and love it so much. BACK TO THE PROCESS. warp to the belt size you wish to mine in>pull up your OverView with your ores on display and prop mod(AB or MWD) towards the rock and make a book mark on select rock at least 1k-2k away from it. make at least 1-2 if you plan to mine all day. and warp back to the cita and switch into your miner. NOW we start to mine.warp to your book mark>launch mining drones>select the closest rock(the one you bookmarked nearby) send drones to mine repeatably and select another one of the far off rocks and either focus both your mining lasers or just 1 on 1 or 2 rocks and you just wait to fill up and drop off! want to make a bit more? have a alt? or not? have a alt mine with you and both of you jet can mine.

jet can mine=right click on your ore>select jetison done. and continue to mine like this make sure the jetcan is full tho. ALSO keep in mind jetcans can be killed *(not by rats)* -dont do  it in high sec as there are people willing to steal it- and will implode after 2 hours of deployment so best way is to name it like so (character first or last name TI:ME can deployed can #) so (kap 22:39 #9) you can haul it with either a regular hauler or a miasmos which is the best ship to haul. dont use a freighter or orca. also dont drop a MTU when ever someone is jetcan mining. ALSO make sure when your bookmarking for a mining location that you avoid bookmarking near  or on the warp in 0 point of the sight also its best to have an object in the way such as one of the corals so if the enemy is not paying attention and he manages to get into the same site as you are in 1 go he bounces off the coral and gives you more time to escape.

ESCAPE= a enemy is reported nearby or is in your system. just like in ratting align to the citadel>recall drones spam d-scan if enemy is in system 2 au once all drones are in warp to citadel and switch into your pvp ship. if the enemy warps in or decloak you spam warp to citadel rip drones but your mining ship is worth more unlike the ratting drones.

=========chapter 5 exploration=============

DEDs check here for guide

DEDs lvl of difficulty is 1/10 easy-10/10  hardest. they also tell you what size of ship you can enter in the site 1/10 -frigates 2/10 destroyers 3/10 cruiser 4/10 battlecruiser 5/10 battleship. 6/10-10/10 can and will let any ship size in. keep in mind some sites vary and will let tech 2 version enter sites as well as pirate ships and some with the same DED lvls will not. don’t want to do the DED? sell it! DED’s can be sold in the providence trade chat *(contact kaprica rome for invite and please read the MOTD=message of the day for the rules in the chat)* how do you sell a DED? get in your interceptor to the site>right click on the escalation in your journal alt+J it will be under expeditions. once your in the system right click on the expedition and warp to. once you land right click on the accel gate and save book mark label *(DED -/10)* example: DED 5/10 *system name*. next dock up to the system station or citadel>pull up people and places ALT+E>under places tab find the DED bookmark >drag and drop it into your items right click on the bookmark *(it will now look like a thumb tac/pin>create contract>set public>forward onto the price listing>set price amount. DED’s sell for around 10mil per DED lvl most of the time. so if i want to sell a prison camp “remember to include the name of the DED along with the DED lvl 4/10 and system name” i would post the contract along with the following info (contract) DED lvl site name system link/name. so (contract) 8/10 prison camp in kbp7. want to sell it fast? just knock off a bit of isk a prison camp can sell for 80mil but a 75-60mil prison camp will sell faster also include the time you go the DED along with when it expires and remember to delete the contract and bookmark once it expires/does not appear on your expeditions tab in your journal.

Relic and data sites.

you know how to do sites by now. but keep in mind these rules as they are important for providence. *(first come first serve)* so if you warp into a sight and someone is already doing it warp out do not compete for the site as the site belongs to who ever gets there first.if some one warps into your sight, does not leave or decides to compete for it please mail kaprica rome a screen shot. make sure you take 1 once you land along with recent d-scan showing along with the timer and the person in question. i will take care of it so don’t escalate it ty. also warning/telling the person the site is taken is ok as it is a warning. don’t forget to send me combat logs in case the person aggresses “is blue” and or kills you.


providence is free how ever the last thing we need is to be labeled “lazy or freeloaders” so do your part and support the sov holders in their pvp fleets when ever they rally for numbers or to drive out pirates from the space.

whats a interceptor=safest way to get into providence, its a frigate that can avoid warp bubbles *(please ask for intel before entering KBP)* its also very fast in warp. turn your MWD or AB on SHIFT CLICK or right click select overload/OVERHEAT and spam *(jump gate)* once you jump out spam warp to a friendly citadel or towards a random combat site or planet>when in warp make a random book mark> once you exit warp warp to the random bookmark cloak up and wait for anyone following you to leave and wait 2-3 minutes to see if anyone followed you. unless in high sec in that case just leave and move on.

want to pvp but dont want to risk your main being a target? make an alt *(omegas make sure you train PI skills to make more isk)* alts/pvp tackle and ewar is always welcome in defense fleets. “make sure its in a -Entropy- corp.

all expensive loot or tech 2 goes to either sev3rance or yulai federation. feel free to keep ammo, drones and t1 modules.

Im tackled!/caught what do i do? if your hot droped/cyno report names and ship types in intel there nothing you can do after that apart from damage/try to kill the weakest one. if your tackled/being attacked by a few enemys in local only type “tackled in “site ID/site name>ship type could use some help. and spam warp to citadel as it is your main goal to get away once your safe change to a pvp ship and go back to support anyone if they are still fighting.

please don’t report your tackled in intel. if you die please post your kill main in intel along with system name and “fleet comp” as it will tell any ally fleets around what the enemy is in so they can switch out into counters.

fly in fleets always. always ask if there is a blue fleet for mining or ratting most of the time its both. this will help you make friends =). and help you with forming up defense/plan a rescue. what goes around comes around so if you just ask for help and never help yourself don’t expect people to run to your aid.

also make small isk donations to the corp owning the citadel you are based in/under as it helps them cover fuel costs a bit.

capital ships=at the moment ratting in capitals in providence is allowed HOWEVER -ENTROPY- and -7- members are not allowed to rat in capitals as they are “very slow and they can be caught and killed very easily. also they can only be effective in a deep null sec”. only use it if there is a dread spawn and align to a ally/blue citadel *(any will do)* make sure enemy/enemys are not around or within 2-3 jumps from you if one appear in your system or in the system over please warp to the citadel you aligned to. and recall fighters *( fighters will and can warp to you if they are still alive and not warp scrambled)* once they are back in your back *(and you can’t dock)* activate the cyno>jump to the cyno and dock the capital in the fortizar. want to pvp with it? contact Scorpia Rome so you can be added to the sev3rance capital fleet. make sure you ask if they will SRP it or willing to SRP it if you can’t afford to lose it or not willing to.  SRP will cover both your ship hull loss and your module loss.

can i anchor a citadel, engineering complex, POS? NOPE: the largest citadel you can deployed allowed in providence is a astrahus With permission. same goes for the engineering complex’s. POSes also require permission from the moon director. if you wish to deploy a POS in null sec contact kaprica rome for more details.

WHY did i have to read this? it is required that you know what to do and how to do it. so you know how to make isk out in null.

your now done. final step is ton contact Kaprica rome in game for invite into INTEL, NPD and trade chat (if you want trade chat). by being in NPI and NPD you agree that you have read all the following chat rules and ways to get rich. GOOD LUCK QWARK!

Final notes/questions.

can i own a POS or Citadel? depending on your corp corp roles you will need anchoring/star base permissions. anchoring lvl 2-3. Also you will need to ask the system admin for renting a spot for your pos or citadel. *(contact kaprica to help find the moon admin)* Also under NRDS-provi rules the region/coalition does not want to deal with taking out newly red/enemy fortizars, keepstars ect. this means the biggest citadel you can ask to put down is a astrahus. FAILURE to make a payment for rent or anchoring a citadel or pos without permission will result in it being taking out/down.

Can i own a capital size ship? (dreadnoughts and carriers) Yes, you can own a capital ship, if you wish to keep it in providence please park it/dock it in a fortizar. However, you cannot Rat in it as it is illegal to Rat in north providence (YF, -7- and sanctuary pact space) if your caught in a capital ship don’t expect to be rescued. so if you need/want to use it please keep it in a pocket sector and alt scouts 1-2 jumps away, align to a fortizar, have a cyno ship on top of a fortizar you can dock in and jump asap if a red/orange or kos enters your system.

how about super carriers and titans? if you own/have a titan please contact Kaprica for special talks. but if you own/want to own keep in mind they are coffin ships and you are stuck in them forever until you A. die or B. leave it Temporarily in a -ent- POS. but mainly stay offline and only use it when needed or want to. any supers and titans will be hunted down and killed by the enemy. you are also required to have permission from methos and zasha in order to be permitted to get a super or titan “for provi paperwork and to have parts ready to build”.

Where is the alliance/corp based in providence? We {SPQPS} are based in the Mentl Ring in central providence.

Where is the closest market?F-YH5B market hub buy and sell there to your content. sometimes there will be market orders in the ring. if you wish to get there please take the jump bridge *jump bridge fatigue can be reduced by using a industrial ship, deep space transport and or a freighter *(please don’t use a freighter)*.

what is a Jump Bridge, How do i use it and where is it? a jump bridge is a compressed cyno that connects 2 entry points like a star gate *(or a sci fi wormhole a 2 way entry and exit.)* basically it will be called “jump bridge” and have a random text name which is sometimes code. keep in mind we -ent- can’t use all of them. -entropy currently has access to the following gates ( this link is read planet #- moon # )

B-WPLZ  ->  8P9-BM  *( 1 jump from f-y please use a scout if in a industrial or DST also keep in mind that NPI (intel) does not cover systems based 4B-NQN/9UY4-H this means you are blind and it is rare for someone to respond for f-y status.) {B-W gate (P8-M8) 8p9 (P11M1)}

YWSO-Z  -> TUO0T ( it is  o then zero T ) normally the jump bridge is off to safe fuel. and used in dire times in need to reinforce the pocket or break gate camps or finally form up with YF in XHQ. {YWS (P3M18) TU- (P8M2)}

KBP7-G  -> G-5EN2 (jump bridge is hidden for spy reasons.) don’t worry the jump bridge is visible in KBP7-G via Mini sty.  if you want to get out asap but theres a gate camp in KBP feel free to risk lowsec. KBP> JB >G-5>assah(LS)>gomati(LS)>bar (safe highsec).

REMEMBER! live in providence, Defend providence, get space fritch.





NOTE: if you leave -entropy- during a corp war and live in providence you will be locked out of all benefits in providence.

=-null diplomat-=kaprica rome

=-SRP officer-=Scorpia Rome

edited by: Swan Rome (ARRQ)