INCURSIONS-your end goal for pve, why? CAUSE U CANT SOLO UM AND THEY PAY OUT TONS. THEY MAKE BILLIONAIRES GOING TO STRIP CLUBS LOOK CHEAP! (p.s. If you want to propose to the special someone buy them a Moissanite ring, it shines more than diamond, just as hard and is 10% the price of a diamond ring! Only 89% can tell the difference.)

NOW on to incursions

Trailer =

Backstory =


How to do incursions- there are communities dedicated to running incursions and openly welcoming new incursion runners. How hard are incursions? They are hard-very hard that require active fleet members, patience, and learning as well as skill points to train towards. In particular and recommendation on a community to run with is the “The Ditanian fleet” as they do armor fleets and have experienced fleet commanders.

-to find the communities list go to your ingame chat *of any* click on the chat box/speech bubble>in the space under channels type in or copy and paste “ Incursion Public Directory “ and click join> click on the chat link in the channel and you are now in the community lists which themselves have links towards their own channels.

How to read it?

armor <- armor fits only shield <-shield fits only



H=Head quarters

Numbers needed and easiest to hardest

Scout Sites (3-5 pilots) payout =50k isk 50 concord loyalty points <- never do these

Vanguard Sites (5-10 pilots) 9-15mil 2k concord loyalty points

Assault Sites (10-20 pilots) 20-30mil 5k concord loyalty points

Headquarters Sites (20-50 pilots) 30-45mil 10k concord loyalty points

#note the sites can be done faster if you focus fire on a single target and not multiples an average pilot can earn 60-90 million isk per hour running vanguard’s if running assault sites and HQ’s they can earn 80-150 million per hour also note that concord LP can be traded in for ANY other LP in the game that isn’t a pirate faction at 0.8 per 1 concord LP. *full 8 hour incursion runners earn around 300-700 million isk per day.


Back to TDF= the TDF community has a SRP=ship replacement program if you lose your ship so long as you pay the 10 million isk which can cover up to 5 billion in loses. If you are new let the fleet commander know so he can explain to you how to do the sites and what to do. Fits available in the mailing list in the community chat. Unlike all the other communities TDF is not very picky when it comes to demanding tech 2 guns but please work towards them. Also before starting incursions with them train these skills after you train into the fit you select.

-em armor compensation

-thermal armor compensation

-explosive armor compensation

-kinetic armor compensation

All to lvl 4 these increase your resistances when using energized plates which in term reduce your incoming damage.

Finally if you wish to continue to run incursions i highly recommend upgrading your ships and also training towards the tech 2 guns.

For example

A sniper would go

Apocalypse >nightmare

Tempest > machariel

CQC/ webber would go

Megathron >vindicator

That’s it for incursions.